Meet your telemarketing legal requirements with our TPS Services

Two marketing companies based in Oldham and Darwen have been ordered to clean up their practices by the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) after more than 100 complaints were received about nuisance marketing calls, and are looking at a possible penalty of up to £500,000 if they fall foul of the law again. (source ICO Raps Marketing Companies).

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Get recurring business for your bar or restaurant with Birthday Mailings

Many people celebrate their birthdays with a night out with family or friends, so why not make sure they come to you with a target offer of a free drink or a discount voucher for their meal?

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UK economy to hit pre-recession peak by summer

UK economy to hit pre-recession peak by summer, BBC says. Increase your marketing reach with our targeted lists available 24/7 at

Business is booming in Gloucester

Business is booming in Gloucester, new figures reveal. Experts say that the city is ‘flourishing’ especially when it comes to the creation of new, small businesses. source:

Identify the new start-ups in your area using our premium New B2B list.

Each year UK Weddings are worth £10 billion

A survey of thousands of newlywed couples last year to reveal an industry worth a whopping £10 billion. Planning an engagement through to the honeymoon, a wedding celebration here in the UK collectively costs a little over £36,000, with over half of the bill falling towards the wedding guests. (info Hitched W.I.F.E. )

Get a share of this lucrative market by identifying new brides-to-be with our Getting Married subscriptions.