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The direct marketing sector, and those using direct mail, have a duty to ensure that mailings are not sent to the recently deceased. An excellent blog post at Brand Republic explains in detail why checking consumer data for recently deceased recipients is an essential part of a data cleansing regime.
Read moreIf you are an independent financial adviser (IFA) discover how you could use free seminars and events as a marketing tool in the free guide from Selectabase.
Read moreDigital marketing has revolutionised marketing in recent years, what with the advent of email marketing, pay per click, social media, blogging and more. Direct marketing has been around somewhat longer, but still has a role to play in the digital world, but only if it learns some of the lessons from new media.
Read moreThe news that Royal Mail is set to increase business mailing costs in 2011, places renewed pressure on direct marketing campaigns to achieve the best possible results.
Read moreWhen planning your direct marketing campaign, make sure you identify all the resources you will need to make it happen.
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