Direct Mail Response Rates Are at Their Highest Point in Over a Decade
From the 2016 DMA Response Rate Report: “Direct mail, considered outdated by many, still impresses with its strong response rate.”
Make Me an Offer: Using Special Offers in Direct Mail
Sometimes the sourcing of a mailing list, deciding what to send and arranging fulfillment can all distract you from what offer you are actually going to include in the mailing.
Smaller regular mailings can be better than a large campaign…
If you’re about to embark on a direct mail campaign it can be tempting to think big and mail a large sized list in one big hit to try and generate instant and impressive results. But there is much to be said for approaching direct mail in a smaller scale and more targeted fashion.
How to Define Your Target Market in 4 Simple Steps
If a marketing campaign is going to be successful, understanding the target market is critical. You can’t target everyone, as everybody has different interests and buying habits. Plus, sending information about your products and services to people who are just not interested is a waste of your time and money.
How to use telemarketing effectively
What can you do to make sure your telemarketing campaigns are as effective as possible? This informative guide gives you simple to follow rules for carrying out more effective telemarketing that will turn leads into customers, and increase sales.